Interviews with Noah Flug Noah Flug & Martin Schäuble: We wanted to do everything in our power to bring down Nazi Germany Noah Flug & Bettina Schaefer: I try to consider everything with a little distance
Remembering Noah Flug Dorota Flug: He was human Brigitte Ryba: He and my husband were cousins Marian Turski:Together in the resistance in the Łódź Ghetto Waltraud Rehfeld: Above everything, he didn’t think of himself first, but the others Raul Teitelbaum: Without him, ten to twelve billion Euros in additional personal compensation would have never been attained for Holocaust survivors Helmut Krumpholz:After all that man had been through, it was amazing how he approached us Anat Flug-Levin:Living in the realm of facts Roman Kent:We lost track of each other in Auschwitz Piotr Cywinsky: He was happy about the worldwide acceptance of the memorial Martin Auerbach: Incredible political skill Uri Chanoch: He radiated Gregory Schneider: For a minimum degree of justice Günter Saathoff:He made it easy for us Germans to come out of denial Karnit Flug: His mind was extremely sharp Avner Shalev: Flug knew how to deal with power Gabriel Levin: A great mediator Stephan Kramer: He was something like the “doyen of the delegation” Ruth Wagner: “Ruthie, could you write again to …” Dirk Langner: An authentic personality Christoph Heubner: Scheming and malicious gossip were alien to him Romani Rose: Never lost faith in goodness Leszek Szuster: Commitment to all survivors Boaz Levin: Grandfather was a man of dialogue Martin Schäuble: Always busy, engaged, involved Magdalene Krumpholz: Letter of farewell